Cucumis - Huduma huria ya utafsirishaji mtandaoni
. .

Tafsiri zote

Tafsiri zote - englishseeker

Lugha ya kimaumbile
Lugha inayolengwa

Matokeo 1 - 1 kutokana na 1
Lugha ya kimaumbile
Kiingereza The moving 2008
Cucumis has just moved to a new server. We have reached 15 000 visitors yesterday, wow...

Hotmail users, if you don't receive our email notifications anymore, use the "Change email" feature (from your profile page).

This post is the opportunity to thank again the amazing community of The quality of the translation is improving days after days. More than 100 experts now are proofreading the translations, wow.

[flimg=]Danish brute[/flimg] It's also important to know that [userid=21837] & [userid=61775] are now super cucu-adminz with super cucu-powerz. Not one (1), not two (2), but three (3) danish brutes now...

Tafsiri zilizokamilika
Kibulgeri Преместването 2008
Kireno cha Kibrazili A mudança de 2008
Kiswidi Flytten 2008
Kifaransa Salut ! Cucumis vient de changer de serveur.
Kihangeri Költözés 2008
Kisabia Zdravo! Cucumis je promenio server.
Kihispania La mudanza de 2008
Kirusi Всупая в 2008
Kinorwe Flytting 2008
Kigiriki Γεια σας! Το Cucumis μόλις άλλαξε server...
Kipolishi Przeniesienie 2008
Kichina kilichorahisishwa 即将到来的2008
Kijerumani Umzug 2008
Kiitaliano Lo spostamento effettuato nel 2008
Kiesperanto La translokiĝo je 2008
Kikatalani El moviment 2008
Kiholanzi Cucumis verhuist naar nieuwe server
Kichina cha jadi 即將到來的2008
Kiukreni Вступаючи в 2008
Kireno A mudança de 2008
Kislovakia 2008 v pohybe
Kideni Flytning 2008
Kiyahudi המעבר 2008
Kiromania Mutarea din 2008
Kiarabu تحرك سنة 2008
Kicheki Premisteni provedene v 2008
Kikorasia Zdravo! CUCUMIS je promjenio server....
Kituruki 2008'e Hareket
Kilithuania Sveiki! Cucumis persikėlė į naują serverį.
Kikurdi Ber Bi 2008ê
Kialbeni Zhvendosje 2008
Kikorea 이사 2008
Kiajemi اسباب‌کشی 2008